LRAP Frequently Asked Questions

你的教育和经济状况对你的成功很重要. 有了LRAP,赌博十大靠谱软件寻求帮助你实现你的目标和召唤,同时提供一个安全网. 本页重点介绍了一些赌博十大靠谱软件LRAP最常见的问题及其答案.


贷款偿还援助计划(LRAP)是一个帮助大学毕业生偿还学生贷款的计划. LRAP提供了一个财务安全网,帮助学生在学校和学校期间专注于学业, if a student's income after graduation is modest, helps graduates repay their loans. 家长PLUS贷款也包括在内,这些贷款的还款援助也将基于毕业生的收入.

Who is eligible for LRAP?

Undergraduate students whose family income is at or below $100,根据FAFSA的信息,将提供LRAP作为其初始经济援助的一部分. 学生也可以向他们的招生或经济援助顾问申请资格, LRAP是根据辅导员的建议提供的, or by exception at the counselor(s)' discretion. Please note that LRAP is currently only offered to undergraduate students admitted to SPU; graduate students are not eligible for the program at this time.


学生必须就读并毕业于授予LRAP的学院或大学. 毕业后,他们必须至少工作3 / 4的时间才能获得援助(如.e. average at least 30 out of 每周40小时). 如果毕业生的收入低于LRAP奖励中规定的高收入门槛, 毕业生(和他们的父母)可以以每季度偿还学生贷款的形式获得贷款偿还援助. 有关该计划的完整细节和资格要求,请参阅您的LRAP奖励.

随着你收入的增加,援助会相应减少. 例如, 如果您的收入处于LRAP奖励中规定的高收入和低收入门槛之间, then you can receive 50% reimbursement on your loan payments. 此外,如果你的平均工作时间少于全职(如.e. 每周40小时).

How does unemployment effect my LRAP program?

在失业期间,你没有资格获得援助.  通过与贷款服务机构合作,您可能有资格获得经济延迟或免除学生贷款付款.

When will I receive funds?

一般来说,处理援助请求通常需要五个工作日. 你就能越早提交所有必要的信息来处理你的请求, the sooner you can expect to receive your reimbursement.

What kind of debts and/or loans are covered?

LRAP covers all federal, 私人的选择, 以及通过授予lrap的学院或大学的财务援助办公室授权的家长PLUS贷款.

What are the employment and income requirements?

你必须以你所在地区的最低工资被雇佣至少3 / 4的时间(平均每周30小时以上).

Does it matter where I live?

你不能在海外居住/工作并获得还款援助. 在海外生活/工作期间,您可以在不领取援助金的情况下参加该计划长达3年. If you return to the U.S. and begin work before the end of that 3-year period, and are making less than the Upper Income Threshold, then you will begin receiving repayment assistance payments.

What is the eligibility period of LRAP?

毕业后你有最多18个月的时间来确定你有资格获得福利. 要做到这一点,你必须满足三个合格标准中的一个:平均工作3 / 4时间, or attend grad school full-time, 或者在海外工作. 通过LRAP门户传达这三个合格活动之一是至关重要的


SPU将决定你是否有资格获得LRAP的offer. 符合条件的学生必须在SPU的LRAP奖励门户网站中审查并签署LRAP协议,该门户网站可以在myLRAP上找到.org/SPU. 自LRAP最初发出报价之日起,您将有45天的时间签署协议. Signing does not obligate you to attend SPU, but does obligate SPU’s partner organization, Ardeo Education Solutions, 如果您决定参加SPU并符合协议中的标准,将为您提供贷款偿还援助.

Do I need to reapply each year?

It is not necessary to reapply each year. 一旦你签署了协议,你就受协议标准的约束了.

How much will I need to contribute?

从LRAP计划中受益或在毕业后获得援助是不需要任何费用的.  该奖项由学校提供给你,作为对你长期成功的投资, both on campus and after graduation.

Does my spouse’s income effect my contribution?

Married LRAP individuals remain eligible for assistance, 以个人收入或家庭总收入(包括配偶收入)的一半中较大者计算。.

How long can I be enrolled in the school’s LRAP?

Once you have initially qualified for LRAP assistance, you can then continue requesting assistance, until either your income surpasses the Upper Income Threshold, or your loans are paid off entirely.

Am I still covered if I take a leave of absence?

We understand that life happens.  If you need to withdraw, 你仍然可以在SPU重新注册并受益于LRAP(在从授予你LRAP的大学毕业后).  请记住,LRAP仅涵盖在获得LRAP奖励后的前六(6)个学年在指定机构学习的贷款.

LRAP只提供贷款援助,以进入授予LRAP的大学.  另外, 你需要从授予你LRAP的大学毕业,才有资格获得援助.


在任何情况下,您都不需要偿还LRAP. Your obligation is to repay your loans. 你与LRAP的机会是有帮助,使这些贷款支付.

Who do I contact for further questions? You can also follow-up with your admissions counselor directly. 

如果你已经获得了LRAP,并且在你获得LRAP奖励的机构注册, you can view a copy of your LRAP Award and Terms & Conditions by logging in to our myLRAP服务门户.